HKScan introduces cellulose-based plastic Woodly for part of its product packaging in Finland

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

HKScan has introduced wood-based packaging plastics as a step towards carbon neutrality for an entire food chain. Its partners in this venture include the wood-based plastics developer Woodly Oy and packaging film producer Wipak.
Related posts: “Woodly – The cellulose-based plastic revolution”, 16/12/2019.

Figure 1. HKScan introduces cellulose-based plastic Woodly for part of its product packaging in Finland (taken from the press release)

To replace its fossil plastics, HKScan is working with Woodly Oy, a Finnish company developing a new type of plastic based on wood cellulose. As a result of this cooperation, HKScan will be the first company to have exclusive rights to use the Woodly® plastics in the meat product category in Finland. The company will utilise the plastics on select grilling sausage packages during the coming summer. Packaging film made from Woodly materials is manufactured and refined for HKScan’s use by Wipak, a company operating as part of Wihuri Group in Finland. Woodly-based packaging materials are recycled as plastics. By using the carbon neutral Woodly® component, HKScan will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the packaging film by more than 50% in comparison to traditional plastic packaging.

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