Biobased polyolefins - Biobased Polyethylene (bio-PE)

Series: Biobased Vinyl Polymers.
- Biobased Polyethylene (bio-PE).

Biobased Polyethylene (bio-PE) / Green Polyethylene / Renewable Polyethylene
- Its biobased carbon content can reach 100%.
- Renewable resource. It is produced from renewable biomass feedstocks as sugars or vegetable oils.
- It reduces GHG emissions. Each ton produced captures and sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere.
- 100% drop-in. Chemically identical to its petrochemical counterpart. It has the same processing characteristics as fossil PE, therefore, it can be processed in the same equipment.
- Non-biodegradable. It cannot be composted or biodegraded.
- Thermoplastic. It can be molten and remoulded into the desired shape.
- It can be recycled and processed into new bio-PE products using conventional technologies without requiring additional investments.
- Building block or monomer: biobased ethylene.

Figure 1. Bio-PE is chemically identical to its petrochemical counterpart (extracted from Braskem I'm greenTM Polyethylene website)

1. Structure and types

Polyethylene (PE) has the simplest basic structure of any polymer. It consists of a long chain of carbon atoms with two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom (a repetition of CH2 units).

There are many different types of PE which each have their own unique characteristics and applications. The main types are: high density PE (HDPE), low density PE (LDPE) and linear low density PE (LLDPE) and very low-density polyethylene (VLDPE).

2. Biobased production routes

The building block for bio-PE is biobased ethylene. The bio-ethylene is transformed into bio-PE through conventional catalyst-driven polymerization.

Route 1 for biobased ethylene: Bioethanol dehydration

One of the old applications of ethylene was its hydration to produce synthetic ethanol. The reverse process (dehydration) enables to generate ethylene from ethanol. In the industry, the alcohol dehydration mainly occurs in the vapor phase of two-catalyst systems. Most old technologies used phosphoric acid while the activated alumina became predominant later. The vapour phase dehydration of ethanol at 400ºC gives ethylene with >99% conversion and >99% selectivity. The production of 1 ton of ethylene requires 1.7 tons of ethanol.

Bioethanol can be produced from biomass through biochemical and thermochemical routes.

Route 2 for biobased ethylene: Cracking of bio-naphtha

Ethylene can be produced via steam cracking of naphtha in which feed streams are preheated and then mixed with steam with a 1:1 ratio at 750–850ºC for a short period of time (less than 0.5 s). The yield of ethylene depends on the type of feedstock used in the process.

Bio-naphtha is generating during the processing of renewables feedstocks through technologies as Fischer-Tropsch conversion or hydrotreating.

Route 3 for biobased ethylene: Direct production from microorganisms

Several bacterial and fungal ethylene producers have been reported since the discovery of microorganisms able to produce ethylene in the mid-1900s. This technology is in the early stages.

3. Market

Bio-PE faces direct competition with its petrochemical counterpart. It has been on the market for several years (since 2010) due to the activities performed by Braskem (see Section 4.1) via bioethanol dehydration, but hitherto the production capacity of this route remains the same. One of the pathways to obtain fossil-based ethylene is based on natural gas and its lower prices cause margins to increase to the detriment of renewable ethylene. Further projects based on bioethanol dehydration were discontinued because of the shale gas boom (see Sections 4.1 and 4.2).

In 2014, SABIC was the first company to announce a portfolio of bio-polyolefins via cracking of bio-naphta. They partially replaced fossil feedstocks by renewable feedstocks (waste fats and oils). After five years of hiatus, last months have seen a rise of bio-polyolefins projects related to this route. It is still difficult to know what the current production volume of bio-PE is. Also, the biobased carbon content varies from one project to another. This section will be updated once the picture becomes clearer.

The market is still small when compared to global PE market. It has the potential to grow.
Global PE production volume (2016) = 103,000 kton/y.
Global bio-PE production volume - Route 1 = 200 kton/y.
Global bio-PE production volume - Route 2 = Unknown.
Production volume (kton/y)
Triunfo Petrochemical Complex (Brazil)
Geleen (Netherlands)
- (see Section 4.3)
LyondellBasell (bio-naphta from Neste)
Wesseling (Germany)
Several thousand tons (see Section 4.4)
La Mède (France)
- (see Section 4.5)
Dow (bio-naphta from UPM Biofuels)
Terneuzen (Netherlands)
- (see Section 4.6)
Ineos (bio-naphta from UPM Biofuels)
Köln (Germany)
- (see Section 4.7)

4. Main players

4.1 Braskem - I'm greenTM Polyethylene (Route 1)

After years dedicated to research and development, in September 2010, Braskem commissioned a production unit of 200 kton/year of bio-PE with bioethanol from sugarcane as raw material. The plant, located at the Triunfo Petrochemical Complex in Rio Grande do Sul (southern region of Brazil) received an investment of 290 M$ and made Braskem the first and largest global producer of bio-ethylene. The company was planning the construction of a second 400 kton/year plant. However, in mid-2012 Braskem announced that the project was postponed.

The transformation of the green ethylene into bio-PE is performed in the same polymerization plants that produce polyethylene from fossil source. The bio-PE is commercialized under the trademark “I'm greenTM Polyethylene”. The ethanol used in the production of I'm greenTM Polyethylene is provided largely through contracts with major domestic producers, whose relationship with Braskem is governed by the "Responsible Ethanol Sourcing".

There are currently available in the Braskem product portfolio the following families of I'm greenTM Polyethylene: HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE. They cover a wide range of applications. The vast majority of these grades have renewable carbon content between 80% and 100%, based on their biogenic carbon content measured in accordance with the standard ASMT D6866.

In 2011, Braskem's I'm greenTM Polyethylene received the certification from the Belgian company Vinçotte, a global reference in the renewable content assessment. Samples from the HDPE and LLDPE families were evaluated, with the entire line receiving the maximum rating of four stars for its proven renewable content. Also, its units and production processes are certified by the seal from ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification), an international certification system for biomass and sustainable fuels.

4.2 Dow Chemical and Mitsui Chemicals (Route 1)

A Dow Chemical and Mitsui Chemicals joint venture was investing in the construction of a production plant in Brazil to manufacture bio-HDPE and bio-LLDPE from ethylene of renewable origin. The plant was expected to have a capacity of 350 kton/year and to be operational in 2015. As in the case of the new Braskem plant, the project was postponed and there are no known dates to resume it.

4.3 SABIC (Route 2)

SABIC launched its portfolio of certified renewable polyolefins in 2014. By using its existing infrastructure there are no changes in the value chain, not even in recycling. They are based on second-generation, biobased feedstock. Its certified renewable polymers have been accredited through the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC PLUS).

Figure 2. Chain of custody of SABIC certified renewable polyolefins (extracted from Reference [7])

Having conducted an internal cradle-to-gate life-cycle analysis of their renewable polyolefins, SABIC found that from sourcing of raw feedstock to final production, each ton of renewable PE and PP polymer can remove up to two tons of CO2 compared to fossil-based polyolefins.

Moreover, SABIC uses pyrolysis oil feedstock created from the recycling of low quality, mixed plastic waste (otherwise destined for incineration or landfill) for the manufacturing of its certified circular polymers.

4.4 LyondellBasell and Neste - Circulen (Route 2)

LyondellBasell and Neste jointly announced the first parallel production of biobased polypropylene (PP) and biobased low-density polyethylene (LDPE) at a commercial scale in June 2019. The joint project used Neste's renewable hydrocarbons to successfully produce several thousand tons of biobased plastics. LyondellBasell's cracker flexibility allowed it to introduce the new renewable feedstock at its Wesseling site (Germany), which was converted directly into biobased polyethylene and polypropylene.

The biopolymers are approved for the production of food packaging and they are being marketed under Circulen and Circulen Plus, the new family of LyondellBasell circular economy product brands. Circulen range is created using the mass balance approach. The biobased amount is allocated mathematically to specific products. Circulen products are produced according to the requirements of the certification scheme REDcert². Over 30% renewable content has been verified.

4.5 Total and Trioplast - TrioGreen (Route 2)

Following the start-up of the La Mède biorefinery, the full range of Total products (PE / PP / PS) is commercially available as Total Certified Renewable Polymers via mass balance certification. Trioplast is using the renewable certified PE of Total in its TrioGreen brand.

4.6 Dow Chemicals and UPM Biofuels (Route 2)

In September 2019, Dow announced that it was integrating wood-based UPM BioVerno renewable naphtha into its slate of raw materials, creating an alternative source for plastics production. Dow is using this feedstock to produce biobased polyethylene (PE) at its facility in Terneuzen (The Netherlands). Following a successful year-long trial program, Dow was planning to scale production and address the increasing global demand for renewable plastics.

The renewable raw material for this wood-based naphtha is crude tall oil. BioVerno naphtha is produced in the UPM Lappeenranta Biorefinery and is a biobased cracker feedstock that does not compete with food production. The entire supply chain is International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) certified, based on mass balance approach, meaning all steps meet traceability criteria and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Dow has also partnered with the Fuenix Ecogy Group, based in Weert (The Netherlands), for the supply of pyrolysis oil feedstock, which is made from recycled plastic waste.

4.7 INEOS and UPM Biofuels (Route 2)

In February 2020, INEOS and UPM Biofuels entered into a long-term agreement to supply renewable raw material for polymers to be produced at INEOS Köln (Germany). INEOS will use UPM BioVerno naphtha (see previous section) to produce “bio-attributed” (mass balance approach) polyolefins.

4.8 Enerkem and NOVA Chemicals (Route 2 – Plastic recycling)

5. Applications

In spite of its simple structure, PE has been the most commonly used plastic in the world in previous years. It is mainly known as packaging material (bags, films, bottles…) but is used in several applications (for instance, flexible pipes or cable jacketing). The chemical composition of bio-PE is the same as fossil-based PE. Therefore, it can be used in both rigid and flexible packaging as well as all the other applications.

Figure 3. Example of end-user product available in the market
Product: Tetra Rex®, renewable carton package using bio-LDPE coatings.
Brand: ​​Tetra Pak.
Bio-PE Supplier: Braskem.

[1] P. Harmsen, M. Hackmann: “Green Building Blocks for Biobased Plastics”. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, March 2013.
[2] R.M. Patel: “Multilayer Flexible Packaging – Chapter 2: Polyethylene”. Plastics Design Library, 2016, Pages 17-34.
[3] A. Mohsenzadeh, A. Zamani, M.J. Taherzadeh: “Bioethylene Production from Ethanol: A Review and Techno-economical Evaluation”. ChemBioEng Rev 2017, 4, No. 2, 75–91.
[4] “Bio-Based Chemicals: Value Added Products from Biorefineries”. IEA Bioenergy, Task 42 Biorefinery.
[5] “Biopolymers facts and statistics”, IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites, 2017.
[6] I. Odegard, S. Nusselder, E.R. Lindgreen, G. Bergsma, L. de Graaff: “Biobased Plastics in a Circular Economy”. CE Delft, September 2017.
[7] J. Vachon: “Sustainability initiatives within SABIC with examples of use of bio-based materials for polyolefins”. Circular and Biobased Performance Materials Symposium, 19 June 2019, Wageningen (The Netherlands).
[8] Braskem website: I'm greenTM Polyethylene.

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