FiberStrength and Pond forge a partnership to produce sustainable oriented strand boards

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

FiberStrength AS and Pond A/S have announced a partnership to develop sustainable bamboo Oriented Strand Boards (OSB). Expected production start in late 2021.
The press release is available on the LinkedIn profile of Pond Biomaterials.

Figure 1. FiberStrength and Pond forge a partnership to produce sustainable oriented strand boards

FiberStrength (Norway) is a natural fiber and bamboo specialist. Pond (Denmark) has created a sustainable resin, which is 100% biobased and biodegradable. Such resin can replace fossil-based binders across various industries, posing equal or superior mechanical properties. Combining FiberStrength extensive knowledge within bamboo with Pond’s innovative adhesive, the partnership will create a viable fully biobased bamboo OSB concept that fulfills UN sustainability growth goals.

In the partnership, FiberStrength will invest in a new state of the art pilot OSB plant together with Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH in Balipara (India). The plant will be the first high tech facility in the world that will produce OSB-4 panels and other products based on 100% bamboo fibers and biobased adhesive. Pond will provide its resin for the OSB board production and assists in implementing it in the plant setup.

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