The ACDV publishes an update of its mapping of plant-based chemistry activities in France

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The Association Chimie Du Végétal (ACDV) has published a new update of its mapping of the activities related to plant-based chemistry in France.
Map of plant chemistry and industrial biotechnology sites in France (pdf and interactive version): “Les implantations de la chimie du vègètal en France”.

Figure 1. Plant chemistry and industrial biotechnology sites map

The ACDV is the organisation representing players in the plant-based chemistry field in France. Its primary role is to promote the sector and oversee the regulation of biobased products. It supports and accelerates de development of sustainable chemistry based on the use of plant resources in France and in Europe.

The updated document distinguishes 3 types of activities: R&D centres, industrial biotechnology companies (white biotech) and biorefineries. More than 60 additional sites, spread across France, have been identified in this new version.

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