Profile: Nantek – Nanomaterials as a reagent, the key to take chemical recycling to the next level


The company: Nantek

Nantek is a startup based in Erandio (Basque Country, Spain) that offers solutions for the industry based on nanomaterials, mainly from nanoelements. The promoters of this initiative have allocated 100,000 € of initial investment to R&D from their own funds. In addition, they are closing their first round of investment for the first pilot plant in Bizkaia worth more than 1 M€, expected to be closed in stages throughout 2020.

Nantek team started working with the nanoelements several years ago, when their intensive use was not feasible and the laboratories only generated small quantities. In recent years, new manufacturing processes have been developed leading to industrial applications that meet the expectations placed on these promising materials.

In this sense, Nantek is working in its use as a reagent to transform plastic into an ultra-low sulphur fuel and other alternative products. In this way, the technology developed aims to alleviate the burden on landfills, reduce CO2 emissions from incineration and promote the circular economy as a viable economic model.

The technology: CF-CMRM® (Catalyst-Free Carbon Molecule Release Mechanism)

Nantek has developed a thermochemical process based on traditional anaerobic pyrolysis that relies on the use of nanoelements as a reactive agent to improve the conversion ratio of plastic residue to fuel, or other hydrocarbon products. Thanks to an innovative reactor design, and the use of reagents as a carbon source, Nantek manages to increase the conversion ratio by around 15-20% compared to other existing technologies. Yields vary depending on the nature of the plastic waste and its overall composition.

Figure 1. Nantek – Nanomaterials as a reagent, the key to take chemical recycling to the next level

Some remarkable characteristics of the technology:
- Increases the efficiency of the process, among other things because the operating temperature is reduced. Thanks to this, investment in equipment is reduced as well as operating costs, significantly increasing competitiveness compared to other technologies.
- It is capable of processing streams of mixed plastics (packaging, nets, industrial waste ...) at the end of its useful life, regardless of its composition or whether it has any residue from another material.
- It is flexible in terms of the plastic received and the product obtained. The technology, through adjustments to the reaction and other process components, enables a wide range of products to be produced and different plastics streams to be processed.
- It allows good control of polymer breakage and chain size of final compounds in a single step.
- It is a closed cycle, with no emissions, the small part that makes up the non-condensable gases generated during the process, is recirculated and used to heat the reactor.
- It is reproducible at scale and can be adjusted to the capacity needs of each industry or recycling plant through modular reactors and easily transportable in a container.

The products

Nantek offers a wide range of products that will adapt to the needs of the environment and the context of each production plant. The technology developed by Nantek is capable of adapting to each type of plastic waste, optimizing the resulting product and adapting to the variable market demand.

The great control over the characteristics of the compounds, allows to successfully produce a wide range of different products, with low sulfur content, and reaching the quality standards of conventional fuels. It is also possible to produce other chemical compounds that can be used as raw material for the oil and gas related industries, power generation, petrochemical, plastic and even the cosmetic industry.

Future plans

As great objectives for this year, Nantek intends to set up its first functional pilot plant and close a turnover of close to one million euros. The plant will have a capacity of 1,000 kg/batch, will be able to process 8-10 tons per day and will be installed in the Basque Country. It is estimated that the commissioning will be in October 2020 and that the results will start to arrive at the end of this year.

Once the scalability of the technology has been validated, Nantek will begin to design and build its first industrial plastic waste valorisation plant. This plant is expected to be operational by the end of 2021 and have a capacity of 40,000 tons/year.

Acknowledgements: I would like to express my appreciation to Koldo Manero (Head of Engineering at Nantek) and Ángel Abajas (Chief Commercial Officer at Nantek) for their kind collaboration.

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