CoLAB BIOREF is hiring ten licentiates, masters and doctorates in biorefining related areas

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The Collaborative Laboratory in Biorefineries (CoLAB BIOREF) has launched a call for tenders for the hiring of Highly Qualified Human Resources.
Information to submit the applications: (Deadline: February 7, 2020).

Figure 1. CoLAB BIOREF logo

CoLAB BIOREF intends to be one of the driving forces to change the paradigm of economic development through a national strategy in Portugal for the use of biomass as a renewable resource. Under the terms of Council of Ministers Resolution nº163 / 2017, Portugal published a National Plan for the Promotion of Biorefineries (PNPB) for the sustainable use of renewable energy sources as biomass. The Plan presents a National Strategy for 2030 to promote the implementation of all types of advanced biorefineries. CoLAB BIOREF's R&I agenda is aligned with the PNPB.

With funding from the regional operational programme (ROP) Norte 2020, thematic area of Competitiveness and Employment, through the European Social Fund (ESF), CoLAB BIOREF has launched a call for tenders for the hiring of Highly Qualified Human Resources. There are 10 open positions for Licentiates, Masters and Doctorates in the areas of chemical engineering, biological engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, biotechnology or related areas.

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