FLITE project – Pre-commercial SAF production plant in Europe based on LanzaJet ATJ technology

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The FLITE consortium, led by SkyNRG and with LanzaTech as the technology provider, will build the first-of-its-kind LanzaJet Alcohol-To-Jet (ATJ) facility in Europe. This pre-commercial production plant will pave the way to implementing ATJ sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production across Europe and around the globe. The project is a major milestone on the path to a net-zero emission for the aviation industry. 
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Know more about Alcohol-To-Jet

Figure 1. FLITE project – Pre-commercial SAF production plant in Europe based on LanzaJet Alcohol-to-Jet technology (taken from the press release) 


FLITE (Fuel via Low Carbon Integrated Technology from Ethanol). This project has received 20 M€ funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857839.


Waste-based ethanol sourced from multiple European producers.

Product and production capacity

30 ktons/y of SAF, which will result in a significant carbon emission reduction relative to fossil kerosene and will also reduce emissions of particulates matter and sulphur.


The FLITE ATJ facility will be fully operational in 2024.

The FLITE project kick-off was held on December 8th, 2020. The consortium consists of leaders from their respective industries: 
- SkyNRG is acting as the project coordinator and managing downstream supply chain development; 
- LanzaTech will be responsible for plant design, construction and operations using the LanzaJet ATJ technology; 
- Fraunhofer will oversee and distribute communications about the project. 
- E4tech will conduct the life cycle assessment. 
- The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) will support the project through guidance on RSB certification of the facility.

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