DMC Biotech takes important step towards commercial production of L-alanine

Type of post: NEWS.

DMC Biotechnologies (US biobased specialty chemical company focused on microbial fermentation) has successfully produced L-alanine at pilot scale. Life industrial conditions were recreated at BPF.

Figure 1. DMC Biotech takes important step towards full commercialization of L-alanine

Pilot tests

Commercial key performance metrics were achieved and performance from the bench scale was demonstrated at 3 m3 scale fermentation and for each of the downstream purification unit operations. The robustness of DMC’s Dynamic Metabolic Control technology to the process environment was also validated.

During the execution of the fermentation, a technical failure of an inlet valve in the pilot plant resulted in a material deviation from the protocol. This type of mechanical issue is commonplace in the real world of industrial fermentation. The DMC strain and process were not materially affected by this deviation and the target metrics were still achieved because of the robustness of the technology and the timely response by BPF’s operators.

Samples and commercial launch

Kilogram-sized samples of on-specification product are currently being provided to potential customers, paving the way to commercial launch later this year. No further strain improvement or process engineering is required.

Product portfolio

The initial families of DMC products include:
- Amino acids l-alanine, valine, isoleucine and leucine for animal feed and human nutrition, wellness and personal care.
- Organic acids and esters like pyruvates for the nutrition and personal care markets.
- Terpenoids like limonene and geraniol for flavors and fragrances, personal care and fine chemicals.

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