RoadToBio project publishes roadmap showing the path to an overall 25% share of biobased products in the European chemical industry

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

RoadToBio project has been funded by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme from 1/5/2017 to 30/4/2019 to pave the way for the European chemical industry towards a higher biobased portfolio and competitive success based on the benefits offered by the bioeconomy. Its main goal was to create a roadmap for the chemical industry with the aspiration to increase the share of biobased or renewable feedstock to 25% of total volume of organic chemicals feedstock used in 2030. The 25% target was set by the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) in the 2017 Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA).

The project was completed recently with the publication of the Roadmap. The way that this report has been prepared is designed to ensure it has credibility with industry, academic and other stakeholders and is recognised by governments as a useful contribution when considering future policy.

Figure 1. Cover of the Strategy Document of the Roadmap

The road map consists of three documents:
Action Plan
It provides an overview of the key points of the Roadmap and shows all identified barriers and recommended actions identified in the project for nine product groups.
Strategy Document
It is intended to provide an evidence-based foundation for the EU chemical industry upon which future policy can be implemented and actions delivered.
Engagement Guide
Three factsheets containing means of communication and easily readable information about bio-based chemicals and the Roadmap.

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