Anellotech is planning the construction of its first commercial plant for the production of bio-aromatics

Type of post: NEWS.

In November 2015, Anellotech received funding to scale-up its Thermo Catalytic Biomass Conversion (Bio-TCAT™) process for the production of bio-aromatics. The company had been running a pilot plant since December 2013 and the next step was the installation of a new, fully-integrated development and testing facility called TCat-8. This 25 meter-tall unit would generate the data needed to design commercial plants using the technology. The trials on TCat-8® started last year in Silsbee (Texas, USA). Now, Anellotech has confirmed that Bio-TCat™ has proved its viability by achieving commercially targeted yields during six months of continuous process operations in the unit.
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Figure 1. Bio-TCat fuels and chemicals process diagram

The Bio-TCat™ reactor produces a liquid product containing over 98% C6+ aromatic chemicals directly from the MinFree™-pretreated feedstock. After mild hydrotreating and purification, AnelloMate™ products (the family of liquid products made through Bio-TCat™) meet all specifications for sale as chemicals or fuel blendstocks. Process yields of 22-24% by weight of liquid products from loblolly pine feedstock were demonstrated. Supplemental carbon monoxide (CO) output provides potential for an additional 3-5% yield by weight of cellulosic ethanol via third-party technologies or production of renewable electricity.

Anellotech is now planning the construction of its first commercial plant and is engaging in partnership and funding discussions with existing and new strategic partners.
Processing capacity
500 bone dry tons/day of loblolly pine wood.
Production capacity
- 40,000 tons/year (860 BPSD) of products including benzene, toluene, xylenes, and C9+ aromatics to use as fuels or for making bio-based plastics for packaging and consumer products.
- 30,000 tons of carbon monoxide (CO) and other by-product gases will also be produced, for use in generating renewable electricity or as chemical feedstock.
- Engineering work is expected to begin this summer.
- Once funding is secured, the next phase of construction could begin in the second half of 2020.

Anellotech and its partner Axens are looking forward to licensing much larger plants following this first commercialization. These would be five-times bigger, producing 200-250,000 tonnes/year (4,000-5,000 BPSD) of aromatics and 150,000 tonnes of CO. This rapidly expands the availability of bio-aromatics for chemicals and fuels, providing cost-competitive solutions needed by refiners and brand owners looking to make a difference in their carbon footprints.

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