New report identifies ten biobased chemicals driving a new industry in UK

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The Lignocellulosic Biorefinery Network (LBNet) in consultation with leading biotechnology and chemistry experts from business, academia and the public sector, has developed a report that identifies ten biobased chemicals where the UK could focus resources for maximum impact in the industry. The highlights of this report are based on the document “UK Top Bio-based Chemicals Opportunities”, commissioned by LBNet to E4tech and was issued by the end of last year.

Figure 1. Cover of the UKBioChem10 Report

The approach draws on the concept of the well known US report “Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass”, which was instrumental in bringing a number of chemicals to market. By identifying the most promising biobased chemical opportunities for the UK, LBNet hopes to spur similar support from industrialists, academics and policymakers, which will stimulate innovation whilst creating a sustainable future for the chemicals industry.

The 10 bio-based chemicals were agreed based on commercial viability, UK strengths to exploit, functionality and sustainability:
3. Levoglucosenone
4. Hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF)
5. Muconic acid
6. Itaconic acid
7. 1,3-Butanediol
10. n-Butanol

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