Stora Enso opens wood fibre-based biocomposite plant at Hylte mill

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The opening ceremony of the Europe’s largest wood fibre-based biocomposite plant took place at Hylte mill of Stora Enso yesterday (see press release, 4/6/2018). The investment is part of the company’s ongoing process of becoming a renewable materials company.

Hylte Mill (Sweden).
Production capacity
15,000 tons/year.
12 M€.
Number of employees
20 (recruitment is under way to further strengthen the sales team).

Figure 1. The name of the brand of Stora Enso’s biomcomposites is DuraSense™

The DuraSense granules are a blend of natural wood fibres, polymers and additives offering the mouldability of plastic with the sustainability and workability of wood. With DuraSense, it is also possible to combine fibres with recycled or biobased polymers to further enhance environmental values. The DuraSense product family is suitable for a wide range of uses from consumer goods to industrial applications. Typical applications include, for example, furniture, pallets, hand tools, automotive parts and beauty and lifestyle products.
Link to further information: DuraSense.

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