Funding Opportunity Announcement in Sustainable Biofuels Innovation Challenge by Mission Innovation India Unit

Type of post: NEWS.

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 23 countries and the European Union to accelerate the clean energy innovation which was announced on November 30, 2015. As a part of this initiative, the participating countries have committed to double their government’s clean energy research and development (R&D) investments over five years while encouraging greater level of private sector investments in clean energy technologies.

The Sustainable Biofuels Innovation Challenge (SBIC, IC#4) under MI is co-led by India, Brazil, Canada and China. The other participating countries include Australia, the European Commission, Finland, France, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, UK and USA. Government of India has given the responsibility to Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology to coordinate the Indian MI activities. This organism has just issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the SBIC.
All the information can be found here:

Figure 1. Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 23 countries and the European Union to accelerate the clean energy innovation

Key data are summarized in the following table:
To develop ways to produce advanced biofuels for transportation and industrial applications.
Both bilateral and multilateral collaborations between Indian scientists and scientists from member countries of IC#4 are within the scope of this call.
The MI member countries are encouraged to take part in this call by providing financial support to their researchers.
The proposals under the EU’s Research Framework Programme Horizon 2020 (LC-SC3-RES-22-2018, Demonstration of cost effective advanced biofuel pathways in retrofitted existing industrial installations) are also eligible to apply.
Total Funding Size: 5 M$ (US) or equivalent in local currency of participating MI country.
Floor limit: 0.2 M$ (US).
Ceiling limit: 1 M$ (US).
Call for Letter of Intent (LoI): 15th June 2018.
Last date of submission of LoI Form: 31st Aug 2018.
Invitation for submission of detailed proposals: Early Nov 2018.
Receipt of detailed proposals: Mid Dec 2018.
Evaluation of proposals: Early Feb 2019.
Announcement of Awards: Last week of May 2019.

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