YPFB to build a renewable diesel biorefinery in Bolivia

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

YPFB (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos) has announced its plans to produce renewable diesel in Bolivia with the construction of a new unit located at the Guillermo Elder Bell refinery in Santa Cruz.

Figure 1. YPFB to build a renewable diesel biorefinery in Bolivia

The plant, which will require an investment of 250 M$, will produce approximately 9,000 barrels of renewable diesel per day, transforming oils (crude and used) and tallow. During the third quarter of this year, a public tender will be launched to find the company that will carry out the engineering, purchase and construction of this new plant that will start operating in the last quarter of 2024. YPFB has signed confidentiality agreements with leading companies worldwide in the development of this type of technology (Axens, UOP and Haldor Topsoe) in order to have data and scientific information on the advances they have already carried out.

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