What's bioeconomy? – BIOVOICES presents new book for kids

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

The HORIZON 2020 project BIOVOICES presents “What’s Bioeconomy?”, a brand-new book written for your children in order to raise awareness on the sustainable and circular bioeconomy and, in particular, the biobased products.
Official launch | 30th March 2021 - 10:00 - 12:00 | ON-LINE | Free | Agenda | Register.

Figure 1. What's bioeconomy? – BIOVOICES presents new book for kids

Europe is building a different world for the future generations, promoting a more sustainable consumption, production and lifestyle, through the Green Deal policies and initiatives supporting bioeconomy. Despite these efforts, the large public is often unaware of the real meaning of terminologies and technologies behind the many novelties produced by the bio-based research and industry. This book will promote the bioeconomy and biobased solutions, in an easy and comprehensive way, raising awareness on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles, through education by engaging children from 5 to 7 years old and their parents, grandparents, teachers and other adults that will read the book together with and for them.

The information was built on the knowledge acquired in the context of BIOVOICES, Biobridges, BIOWAYS and LIFT H2020 funded projects and has been validated by high level experts from academia and industry. The pilot version of the book will be printed in 6.000 copies in 10 languages (English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, German, Romanian, Slovak, Estonian) and will be distributed in selected schools, bookshops, museums for children and institutional contexts.

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