AFYREN reaches long-term deal with Südzucker on the supply of its biobased organic acids plant

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AFYREN's industrial-scale green tech project has reached an important milestone. The company has announced a long-term deal with Südzucker for the supply of sugar beet co-products as feedstock for the AFYREN NEOXY factory, which will come online in early 2022. AFYREN NEOXY is a good illustration of how industry can and must find solutions to reduce environmental impact. The plant will be both zero waste and low carbon, and the chemical building blocks it will produce will enable AFYREN clients to significantly reduce the carbon footprints of their own products.
Press release provide by James Connell (Bogert-Magnier Communications), 23/03/2021.
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Figure 1. Beet cultivation. AFYREN and Südzucker have reached a long-term agreement on the supply of sugar beet co-products as feedstock for AFYREN NEOXY.

AFYREN and Südzucker have reached an unprecedented long-term agreement on the supply of sugar beet co-products as feedstock for AFYREN NEOXY, the zero-waste, low-carbon biorefinery that will begin producing seven 100% biobased organic acids at industrial scale in early 2022.

The partnership is in accordance with both companies' sustainability strategies. Using these co- products to produce bio-based organic acids provides a high level of revalorization and does not affect the food chain.

Südzucker, the No. 1 European sugar producer and a leading company in the global food industry, will provide the biorefinery's supply of sugar beet co-products. The agreement to upcycle these co-products into high-value chemicals that are usually made from petroleum derivatives fits into its commitment to conduct business in a manner that utilizes resources sustainably and the aim of Südzucker to be climate neutral by 2050.

"We align our actions in terms of sustainability across the entire value chain — from the agricultural raw material to the finished products and co-products," said Michael Schäfer, chief market analyst at Südzucker's sugar and co-product division. "Customer requirements evolve, and we meet them with innovation and by diversifying our product portfolio across diverse geographic regions and markets."

For AFYREN, the signing of this multi-year contract marks a major milestone in its business plan. With multiple sugar plants in areas surrounding the AFYREN NEOXY plant in Carling-Saint- Avold, near the French-German border, Südzucker can guarantee supply of this feedstock, allowing AFYREN to focus on its other business goals.

"We're very pleased with this agreement," said Nicolas Sordet, CEO of AFYREN. "Getting a long-term deal with an industry leader like Südzucker validates our project and moves it a big step forward. Now we have a guaranteed supply of key feedstock — and an efficient supply chain."

This partnership is also a major step for the ambitious multi-stakeholder project AFTER-BIOCHEM, led by AFYREN, which aims to make a broad contribution to the development of a strong bioeconomy sector in Europe and turn sustainably sourced non-food biomass into multiple high added-value products.

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