New report highlights the potential of large-scale implementation of biorefineries in Sweden

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

A new report prepared by researchers from Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden summarizes the results of a project focused on studying the possibilities for large-scale implementation of biorefineries in Sweden, applying an holistic multidisciplinary approach (see press release, 5/7/2018).

Figure 1. Cover of the report “Large-scale implementation of biorefineries”

The synopsis of the project can be summarised in seven highlights:
1. An increased biofuel production will not affect the production of wood products.
2. Increased biofuel targets will introduce fringe feedstocks to the fuel mix.
3. Increased biofuel targets will, in general, have limited price effects on woody feedstocks.
4. We can reach biofuel targets using many technologies and localisation options with reasonable costs.
5. Projected price effects will not affect the profitability of investments in large-scale biorefineries
6. Geography matters.
7. Centralised supply chains are preferable compared to distributed supply chains.

The report is available online: Large-scale implementation of biorefineries. The research project has been funded by the Swedish research council Formas (dnr 213-2014-184) and was carried out between June 2015 and May 2018.

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