ENCE launches research project on production of nanocellulose

Type of post: NEWS.

The nanocellulose is one of the most promising materials of the bieconomy arena (see Nanocellulose biorefineries – A biomaterial with unparalleled perspectives). Paper and pulp companies do not want to miss the opportunity to extend their range of high value projects and initiate the transition of their plants towards models of integrated biorefineries and forest bioeconomy. In this sense, ENCE has started an ambitious project in its Pontevedra mill to enter that market (see press release in Spanish, 15/3/2018).

Figure 1. The pulp mill of ENCE in Pontevedra. It will house the main activities of the NOVACELL project.

The initiative is called NOVACELL and will enable to develop and start a pilot plant to optimize the process of manufacturing of micro and nanoparticles of cellulose. The table below summarizes the information available for now about the project.

Research of new generations of micro and nanoparticles of cellulose for their use in strategic industrial products (NOVACELL).
Production of nanocellulose for its use in:
- polyurethane adhesives,
- textile coatings and polyurethane foams,
- composites and high-value pipes,
- special papers (low-weight, hydrophobic),
- composites y tuberías de alto valor añadido,
- encapsulation for active ingredients in cosmetics,
- food packaging,
- filtration membranes for wastewater treatment.
National Strategic Programme of Partnerships of Enterprise-based Research of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).
About 5.5 M€.
Employment effect
91 high-skilled jobs direct and indirect (recruitment of well-qualified scientific-technical staff).
ENCE Energía y Celulosa
- Cromogenia
- Miquel y Costas
- Infinitec
- Hidroquimia
- Coopbox
Technological centres:
- Universidad de Valladolid

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