The European Commission opens a public consultation to contribute to the update of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

In 2017, the European Commission carried out a review (SWD(2017)374) of its 2012 EU Bioeconomy Strategy (Strategy for innovating for sustainable growth: A bioeconomy for Europe), which concluded that such Strategy is delivering on key actions and that the importance of the opportunities offered by the Bioeconomy is increasingly recognised in Europe and beyond. Nevertheless, while its objectives continue to be relevant, a refocusing of the actions and assessment of the scope of the Strategy are considered necessary in light of recent policy developments in order to: optimise impact across all sectors of the Bioeconomy; provide a better alignment to the current environmental-techno-socio-economic landscape; respond in a better way to political priorities linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement and a number of EU political initiatives.

Figure 1. Image of the cover of the Review of the 2012 EU Bioeconomy Strategy

The European Commission prepares laws and policies transparently, based on evidence and backed up by the views of citizens and stakeholders. Therefore, anyone who might be affected by this Strategy (public authorities, businesses, civil society organisations and the public) can contribute to its update through an open public consultation.

The feedback period goes from 20 February 2018 to 20 March 2018. You can publish it with your personal details or organisation's details or anonymously. Once submitted, the feedback will be immediately published on the site if it complies with the rules for feedback and suggestions. If it doess not, it will be removed. You will not receive an individual response, but your views will feed into further preparation of the initiative. The scope of the evaluation of the Strategy is describe in detail in the following Roadmap: Ares(2018)975361.

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