ePURE promotes E95 blend for heavy-duty transport

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

ED95 is a fuel grade containing up to 95% ethanol that can be used in certain heavy-duty vehicles. According to ePURE (European Renewable Ethanol Association), it can deliver the energy efficiency of a diesel engine while reducing emissions of CO, NOx and CO2 over the full fuel lifecycle compared to fossil diesel.

Figure 1. ED95 (extracted from the Infographic)

A study conducted in 2018 found that using ED95 to fuel heavy-duty transport would bring benefits for GHG emissions reduction, air quality and energy efficiency (“Mesures des émissions de polluants des autocars Euro 6 au gaz naturel, à l’éthanol et au diesel”, ADEME and Scania). ED95 can be used in heavy-duty vehicles equipped with a specially designed engine. These vehicles can only run on ED95. Swedish manufacturer Scania is the pioneer in the field, having developed an ED95 engine that the company says achieves energy efficiency similar to that of a diesel engine but with reduced CO2, NOx and particulate emissions.

Scaling up the use of renewable ethanol-based ED95 in trucks and buses could:
- Significantly reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from heavy-duty road transport, which is about a quarter of total EU transport emissions, according to the UNFCCC.
- Help EU countries meet their renewables targets in transport.
- Contribute to long-term EU emissions-reduction.
- Improve air quality in cities.

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