BBI JU opens its 7th call for proposals with 102 M€ for boosting European bioeconomy

Type of post: NEWS.

The seventh and last BBI JU Call for proposals under the Horizon 2020 programme is now open until 3 September 2020, 17:00 CET. With an indicative budget of 102 M€, it covers 16 topics in four strategic orientations defined in the Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda of the European bio-based industries (SIRA): feedstock, process, products, and market uptake.  
Press release: “Over 100 million available for advancing European bio-based sector”, 15/4/2020.
More information available here:
- BBI JU 2020 Call booklet.
- BBI JU Virtual Info Day (22/4/2020).

Figure 1. BBI JU 2020 Call booklet cover

Since its first call in 2014, the BBI JU portfolio has grown to 101 projects with nearly 1,200 beneficiaries from 36 countries and total funding of 600 M€. By mid-2020, another 23 projects from the 2019 Call will join in, raising the number of beneficiaries to almost 1,500 and the number of countries to 37. In this last call, the proposals selected for funding will be known by January 2021 at the latest, and the grant agreements with the project teams should be signed by May 2021.

On the occasion of the Call launch, Philippe Mengal (BBI JU Executive Director) commented: “I can proudly say that the bio-based industry is maturing and our projects are delivering concrete results. We expect BBI JU projects to create more than 200 new cross-sector interconnections and 180 new bio-based value chains by the end of this year, by far exceeding the targets set in SIRA, which called for 36 interconnections and 10 value chains. I invite you to apply for the Call and join the growing BBI JU community building together a strong European bio-based sector.”.

Summary of the topics (extracted from the press release):
Type of action
Indicative budget (M€)
BBI2020.SO2.R1 — Use enabling technologies to improve feedstock availability and sustainability for the bio-based industry
BBI2020.SO2.R2 — Develop integral fractionation of lignocellulose to produce components for high-value applications
BBI2020.SO2.R3 — Develop bio-based solutions to recycle composites
BBI2020.SO2.R4 — Extract bioactive compounds from new, under-exploited and/or recalcitrant residual bio-based streams for high-value applications
BBI2020.SO3.R5 — Improve the sustainability of coatings
BBI2020.SO1.D1 — Resolve supply-chain hurdles for turning residual waste streams into functional molecules for food and/or non-food market applications
BBI2020.SO1.D2 — Use biogenic gaseous carbon to increase feedstock availability for the industry
BBI2020.SO2.D3 — Upscale the production of bio-based platform molecules for larger market applications
BBI2020.SO3.D4 — Demonstrate superior bio-based packaging solutions with minimal environmental damage
BBI2020.SO1.F1 — Valorise the organic fraction of municipal solid waste through an integrated biorefinery at commercial level
BBI2020.SO1.F2 — Turn lignin into materials and chemicals for high-end applications
BBI2020.SO1.F3 — Produce food ingredients with high nutritional value from aquatic sources
BBI2020.SO4.S1 — Help start-ups and spin-offs to gain access to finance
BBI2020.SO4.S2 — Provide insight on emerging technologies for bio-based value chains
BBI2020.SO4.S3 — Create and interlink bio-based education centres to meet industry’s needs of skills and competences
BBI2020.SO4.S4 — Expand circular economy to include the underexploited circular bioeconomy


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