BIC launches public consultation on the SIRA 2030 for a Circular Bio-based Europe
Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.
BIC invites all relevant stakeholders and society to contribute to the development of the Strategic Innovation and
Research Agenda (SIRA 2030) for a Circular Bio-based Europe by participating in
a public consultation. It will compile the results of this consultation on an
anonymous basis in a report which will be published on its website. The EC is
also reviewing the draft in parallel to the public consultation.
Press release: Public consultation on SIRA 2030, 25/3/2020.
Link to the consultation: (Deadline: 30th April).
Figure 1. BIC launches public
consultation on the SIRA 2030 for a Circular Bio-based Europe
The emerging bio-based industries sector,
coordinated by the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), is cooperating with
the European Commission to create a new public-private partnership under
Horizon Europe. The objective is to build on and expand on the achievements of
the existing Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU).
The SIRA 2030 sets out the main technological and
innovation challenges to establish a sustainable and competitive bio-based
industry in Europe. It reflects the Vision ‘The circular bio-society in 2050’ and
forms the basis for the new PPP (Public–Private Partnership). The SIRA2030 is a roadmap towards realising
the ambitions of that Vision with milestones for 2030.