PlasticsToBio Initiative – The future of plastics is circular and biobased

Type of post: PROJECT PROFILE.

PlasticsToBio is a concept developed by AFRY that could lead to the largest transformation in the history of petrochemicals and the restructuring of businesses and redistribution of value. Basically, it is all about building the understanding that in the first place we can decouple plastics from fossils and turn them all into biobased via recycling. This will also mean that biobased plastics will become cheaper than fossil plastics today, if the process is done right and in large enough scale and ambition.
This post is based on the brochure “PlasticsToBio – an affordable, economically viable concept and initiative to decouple plastics from fossils” published by AFRY to make known its initiative PlasticsToBio.
The information is reproduced with permission of the authors.
I would like to express my appreciation to Tomi Nyman (Principal at AFRY, for his kind collaboration.

1. The plastics problem

The annual plastics production will soon reach 400 million tons. Unless we take action, we will produce over 1 billion tons in 2050. Even if we take all the known possible measures, the growth will be so immense that we will reach a level of 700-800 million tons of plastics of annual production by 2050. This is driven not only by the population growth, which is set to grow by 50% in the next 30 years, but also by the growth of the middle class. The number of middle-class citizens, living in highly urban areas, is set to grow by 2 billion in the same period. Given all this, the global plastics problem is crying out for a solution. Unless mankind starts to take responsibility for the waste, we will drown in plastics, and all sorts of other waste, in no time.

2. The solution

The plastics problems can be solved. Technologies are available, it is just a matter of will. Besides solving the problems related to plastics, we can make the conversion to biobased materials in an affordable, economically viable manner. Three things are needed:
(1) to collect all plastics after use, whether they are used for 1 second or for over 100 years;
(2) to recycle all plastics, mechanically and chemically, to make new products from recycled materials instead of virgin crude oil origin;
(3) to start feeding the production with bio-based content to finally decouple from fossil origin feedstock.

Figure 1. Wheel of plastic – The new plastics era. An affordable, economically viable concept to decouple plastics from fossil raw materials and reduce 1 gigaton of emissions.

2.1 Plastics collection

Today in the Nordic countries and Germany as much as 97% of beverage bottles are returned and collected after use for recycling. This is largely due to an efficient deposit scheme and organized equipment infrastructure and logistics.

How can we make the same happen for plastics and collect them after using with the same intensity? Take ketchup bottles, meat packaging, 20-year old car bumpers and dashboards, plastics films and pipes from demolished buildings. They all contain valuable plastic raw materials that should be collected up and recycled. Let’s forget about plastic as material and think about money. If a piece of plastic litter is on the street, over 90% of the people walk past. If a dollar note is on the street, 100% will pick it up. The misconception that a piece of plastic is not valuable is very strong in our minds. We need to educate everyone that each single piece of plastic is worth picking up, collecting and returning to recycling.

Around the world there is almost 8 billion tons of plastics in the environment (being used, in landfills and dumped in nature). With no much effort we can collect, say, 50 million tons of this plastic every year. Today, people discard majority of the plastics they use, but we should target a low, single-digit number in terms of leakage to the environment. We cannot, unfortunately, avoid mistakes and accident which will cause leakage to the environment but even those plastics could eventually be recovered later.

The deposit scheme in practice
Several schemes are already in use in various countries either on national or retail chain level. A partnership and value chain is set up between the retailers and recyclers in such a way that when a consumer buys a product from a store, a deposit value of e.g. $0.1 is charged by the cashier to the consumer for the packaging. When returning the used packaging to the allocated shops, the bar code is read by a collection machine, which then returns either money or a receipt which indicates the deposited value. This amount of money can then be discounted from the next purchase in the same store. The returned plastic packaging is then regularly collected, transported and sorted for recycling and material reuse. In this way, the scheme demonstrates to consumers that the plastic packaging has a value and should not be discarded, but instead returned to the shop for recycling.

2.2 Plastics recycling

Today we are aware of some, mostly grey, recycled plastic products. The quality of recycled materials is set to improve as technologies develop. Mechanical recycling requires intense sorting according to plastic type followed by washing and regranulation. Sorting is typically done by near infrared, middle range infrared or magnetic flotation techniques. In practice, all plastics can be recycled mechanically, yet plastics like PE, PP and PET are the most convenient. In the recycling of industrial, clean grades, the final recycled plastic is very close to the original due to minimal contamination. In post-consumer resins (PCR) the collected plastics contain remainders of food, soil and chemicals and so the quality is not uniform, leaving the end product grey and often with an odour.

The limitations of mechanical recycling has led to the development of chemical recycling techniques: hydropyrolysis and pyrolysis followed by catalytic hydrotreatment, gasification followed by Fischer-Trospch, selective solvent extraction… Mechanical recycling leads to the gradual degradation of the polymers as the chains are cut shorter. Chemical recycling, however, going back to the hydrocarbon or monomers, is capable of recovering all the properties of the virgin plastic. It is estimate that in large scale 50% of plastics can be recycled mechanically and 50% would need chemical recycling.

2.3 Biobased plastics

There are many biobased raw materials available in the world but today only 500-600 million tons are used every year. Roughly one third of this volume is vegetable oils and animal fats, the largest single product types being palm oil, soybean oil and rapeseed/canola oils. The vast majority is used for food although an increasing amount is ending up in second use, for example as fuels for heating, in biodiesel and renewable diesel. In addition, large amounts of sugar and cellulose are grown. Sugar is used for food, fuels, plastics and chemicals and cellulose primarily for paper and board purposes.

In discussing whether biobased raw materials should be used for food or fuel, we must again take a holistic approach. Traffic and energy sectors are undergoing major restructuring and although the growing population will need more food in the future, it may still be that 10% of the production of natural oils and sugars can be made available for plastic applications. Today, for example, 70% of rape seed oil is used for traffic fuels in Europe. Does it make sense to burn this virgin natural oil based fuel once, or should we convert it first into plastics, which are then recycled mechanically 5-7 times and chemically 3-5 times before the molecules are converted into energy and only then let it escape the circular system? It is obvious that keeping the material recirculating as many times as possible makes sense and incineration is just ultimate recourse in cases when plastics can no longer be recycled.

3. From fossil to biobased plastics

Today the amount of plastics production that is 100% biobased is roughly 1 million tons per annum and total production with any biobased content is only about 2-3 million tons per year. Just imagine if we could scale up the biobased feedstock to a level that would result in 40 million tons of biobased plastics. This would mean that every year 10% of all plastics produced would be biobased.

Then, if we are absolutely meticulous in collecting and recycling the plastics back from the market after use, this 10% will start to circulate. Next year, we again add another 40 million tons and the 10% starts to accumulate gradually. If the overall production of plastics remains stable, in 10 years fossil plastics would account for only 13% of all plastics produced. With a 5% market growth in plastics production, it would take 12 years to reach a similar level.  

So we have shown how we can decouple plastics from fossil feedstock practically in 10 years. Why is this not being done yet? Many refer to the cost as the reason, but that may not ultimately be the right argument.

4. The investment and the savings

Figure 2. Reshaping the plastics production according to circular bioeconomy enables annual savings of US$100 billion

We can invest annually:
- US$20 billion in collection and waste management. We need to educate people, build new infrastructure for collection, sorting and logistics.
- US$25 billion in mechanical and chemical recycling assets and bio-based feedstock production assets. Addressing the plastics challenge naturally requires recycling sites. These can be established by converting existing oil refining assets for the use of mechanical and chemical recycling processes and in new recycling assets.
- US$60 billion in biobased feedstock, hydrocarbons from oils, sugars, cellulose and wastes. This is the magnitude of investment that is needed to keep up with the pace at which plastics demand is currently growing if we want to decouple plastics from fossil crude oil.
- US$15 billion in additional operating expenses due to more complexity, more people to operate the sites, run sales and logistics operation. New and converted sites may be more complex compared to the old operation at least in the beginning.  
- US$55-80 billion in the textile market. It will be decoupled from fossil products partly as materials gets sold into that market from the same pool. After use, also the synthetic textile polymers return to the system for recycling.
- US$50 billion in additional energy, in new renewable energy production and incineration of difficult-to-recycle plastics and methane from chemical recycling.
- And, negligence and accidents leading to environmental leakage of plastics may cause a loss of US$20 billion.

Summing up all the above costs and investments required to replace fossil with biobased plastics in this very simplified top-down model, we end up with a sum of US$190 billion per year (considering 100% recovery rate of synthetic textiles). If we take a crude oil price level typically used in various scenarios at $70/barrel, with fossil naphtha price of US$ 600-700/mt and shale ethane at 35 cents/gallon, we pay US$300 billion per year today. Ultimately, the society can save over US$100 billion every year by creating a circular economy and a biobased feedstock in a well-managed manner and recycled bio-based plastics could become cheaper that the fossil plastics we use today.

5. AFRY offering in PlasticToBio

AFRY has a clear view on how this can be implemented and with what investment and timetable, proposing regional solutions to different locations depending on the type of waste available and the current infrastructure. Companies around the world are keen to begin this task of solving the world’s plastics problems and preventing us from drowning in plastics. AFRY is approaching companies active in oil refining and plastics production, biobased feedstock and bioplastic producers, waste management companies, technology providers, mechanical and chemical recyclers for plastics, retailers and brand-owners. Our ambitions must be high if we are to achive these challenging objectives.

Figure 3. AFRY offering in PlasticToBio

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