Profile: Bogumiłów Ethanol-To-Gasoline plant


Bogumiłów Ethanol-To-Gasoline plant.
Bogumiłów, near Łódź (Poland).
Products and production capacity
- Gaseous biohydrocarbons.
- Liquid biohydrocarbons (<210ºC).
- Aromatic biohydrocarbons (>210ºC).
22,500 metric tons of those products per year.
About 80 people work in the operation of the facility.
- Investment decision: 2006.
- Construction works begin: November 2014.
- Start-up: June 2017.
Note: Strictly, the facility is not a biorefinery but it can be considered as a part of a greater system of biorefining since the ethanol used as feedstock is made from biomass (biomass-to-liquids system). 100% of the carbon present in the final product came from biomass.

Figure 1. Bogumiłów Ethanol-To-Gasoline plant (courtesy of Ekobenz)

Ekobenz was established in 2006 as a special purpose vehicle for the execution of projects in the production of methanol and synthetic hydrocarbons using innovative technologies. This year, the company has commissioned its first biohydrocarbon catalytic production plant.

The facility has been constructed on a site of 5.5 ha located in Bogumiłów and the production infrastructure is placed over an area of 3.8 ha. It has a production capacity of approximately 22,500 tons per year of synthetic fuels. The plant has been built according to modern design standards enabling the fulfilment of strict environmental protection regulations. The applied equipment solutions allow to achieve high economic efficiency in the production process and greatly reduce the environmental impact while maintaining exceptional care for work safety.

Figure 2. Simplified flow diagram of the process (courtesy of Ekobenz)

The plant is based on the ETG (Ethanol-To-Gasoline) technology. The feedstock is ethyl alcohol produced from biomass. The chemical changes occurring during the process result in irreversible chemical transformation of alcohol into synthetic hydrocarbons and water.

The process is conducted in a system of reactors operating in series. The reaction of catalytic conversion of ethyl alcohol to synthetic hydrocarbons occurs in gaseous phase in two stages:
- The first stage is a strongly endothermic reaction of alcohol decomposition which produces ethylene and steam.
- The second stage consists of complex strongly exothermic reactions of synthesis of hydrocarbons from ethylene.
The hydrocarbon mixture produced in the process is transferred to a stabilising column, where it is split into a liquid fraction and a gaseous fraction. The liquid fraction is subsequently separated into individual products in a distillation column. The entire process requires only a small amount of external energy.

The main product is a new generation synthetic fuel in the form of liquid biohydrocarbons. These are some of its characteristics:
- It find application as a biocomponent of engine gasoline and as a raw material in the chemical industry.
- It is chemically compatible with conventional gasoline and can be used for all types of gasoline motors.
- It provides high calorific value (43 MJ/kg), noticeably higher than raw bioethanol (27 MJ/kg).
- It enables huge potential possibilities to decrease level of GHG emission in the final fuel. NOx emission reaches levels lower than 30% of the standards.
- It does not contain sulfur compounds and benzene content is significantly lower compared to the regular gasoline.
2 Information provided by Ekobenz.

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