Virgo Corp and Punjab Government sign agreement to set up a pyrolysis plant to produce biojet from rice husk

Type of post: FLASH NEWS.

There is a continuous trickle of news and announcements coming from India in the last weeks. According to local media, the Punjab Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Virgo Corp on 11th February for a biofuel project aimed at restraining the burning of cereal stubble and boosting the renewable energy sector.

Those are the preliminary data available:
Rs 630 crore (approximately, 78 M€).
Rice husk.
Biojet fuel.
Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) of Honeywell (pyrolysis process).
Virgo Corp and Honeywell signed a previous MoU in December 2018 regarding to this technology.
Employment effect
150 direct and 500 indirect jobs.

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