Krefeld Starch Biorefinery

Nombre / Name
Krefeld Starch Biorefinery
Empresa / Company
Cargill (
Localización / Location
Krefeld (Alemania / Germany)
Categoría / Category
Comercial / Commercial
Estado / Status
Operación / Running
Plataforma / Platform
Almidón / Starch
Materia prima / Feedstock
Maíz / Maize
Producto / Product
Almidón, dextrosa, sorbitol, glucosa, isomalt, jarabe de maltitol, gluten y otros productos para la industria de los piensos / Starch, dextroxe, sorbitol, glucose, isomalts, maltitol syrup and other products for the feedstuff industry

2 IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Biorefining. Sustainable and synergetic processing of biomass into marketable food & feed ingredients, products (chemicals, materials) and energy (fuels, power, heat).  Wageningen, the Netherlands, August 2014.

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