Mercurius pilot biorefinery in Mackay ready to commence operations

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

Mercurius Biorefining has finalised commissioning and is about to commence operations at their pilot plant at QUT's Biocommodities Facility in Mackay (Australia) that will use Mercurius' patented REACH technology to produce renewable chemicals, diesel and jet fuel from sugarcane waste.
Press release: “Mackay biorefinery pilot plant ready for take-off”, 13/10/2021.
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Figure 1. Darryn Rackemann (QUT) and Karl Seck (Mercurius) examining the feedstock

Karl Seck (CEO at Mercurius) has been in Mackay assisting in site preparations for the pilot equipment installation and commissioning. QUT will be looking into the commercial opportunities from the REACH technology which could lead to producing renewable fuels and chemicals in Queensland creating new jobs and opportunities for regional communities. The plant at the QUT's Biocommodities Facility in Mackay will be fully operational over a three-month period. Representatives from QUT will work alongside Mercurius to examine the technology and by-products to enhance commercialisation opportunities in Queensland. If the operations are successful, Mercurius will also prepare studies for another demo facility to be based in regional Queensland which would scale up production.

The technology converts a range of biomass feedstocks into renewable drop-in fuels and renewable chemicals for biobased industrial plastics. The REACH process avoids the need for the use of pure sugars, high operating temperatures and high pressures, resulting in faster conversion rate and lower cost of production than current processes.

This project has been funded through the Jobs and Regional Growth fund and aligns with the Queensland Government’s Biofutures industry development roadmap and action plan to support and inspire Queensland businesses secure their share of the global bioproducts and services market.

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