Greenmills Project
Nombre / Name
Empresa / Company
Several companies: Noba, Rotie, Biodiesel
Amsterdam and Orgaworld.
Localización / Location
Port of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Categoría / Category
Comercial / Commercial
Estado / Status
Operación / Running
Plataformas / Platform
Aceite, azúcares / Oil, sugars
Materia prima / Feedstock
Aceites usados y otros residuos
orgánicos / Fryer fat and other organic waste
Producto / Product
Biodiesel, bioetanol, biogás
y fertilizantes / Biodiesel,
bioethanol, biogas and fertilisers
Figure 1. Greenmills facilities in the Port
of Amsterdam (extracted from 1)
Greenmills es una iniciativa conjunta de Noba,
Rotie, Biodiesel Amsterdam y Orgaworld. Los tres primeros forman parte del
Simadan Group. Bajo este nombre, los socios usan los residuos de varios
procesos (corrientes procedentes de los sectores alimentario, de las bebidas y
del tabaco junto con aceites usados) como materias primas para generar
biocombustibles y bioenergía. Se trata de una planta autosuficiente que produce
su propia electricidad y calor y que también exporta a la red general. Greenmills is a joint initiative
of Noba, Rotie, Biodiesel Amsterdam
and Orgaworld.
The first three are part of the Simadan Group. Under the name Greenmills, these
companies use waste flows from various processes (streams from food, drinks and
tobacco sectors as well as waste cooking oils and fats) as raw materials in
order to generate biofuels and green power. It is a self-supporting plant that produces
its own electricity and heat and that also supplies electricity to the main
Figure 2. Heat
and waste flows in Greenmills (extracted from 3)
Rotie recoge, limpia y procesa aceites usados para convertirlos en una materia
prima apta para la planta de Biodiesel Amsterdam. Por su parte, Orgaworld
produce biogás en grandes tanques donde se digieren los residuos orgánicos de
Rotie. El biogás es transformado en vapor, calor y
energía. Una parte de estos productos
es utilizada en el complejo de Greenmills (calentando el parque de tanques
donde se mantienen los aceites fluidos y produciendo bioetanol) y el resto se
libera en la red general. Noba produce aliementos ricos en grasas para la
industria del pienso. Los productos residuales generados en los distintos
procesos se transforman en fertilizantes de alta calidad. Greenmills produce en
un año 25 millones de m3 de biogas, 113 millones de litros de
biodiesel y 5 millones de litros de bioetanol. Waste cooking oils are collected, cleaned and
processed further by Rotie to turn them into suitable raw materials for the Biodiesel
Amsterdam plant. Orgaworld processes the organic waste material stored at the
Rotie factory in large tanks to release biogas. The biogas is converted into
steam, heat and green energy. These products are partially used by Greenmills (heating
the tank park that keeps oil fluid and producing bioethanol) and the rest is
released to the power network. Noba produces energy-rich fat products for the
animal feed industry. The residual product left over from the processes is
transformed into high-quality fertilizer. Grenmills produces in a year a total
of over 25 million m3 of biogas, 113 million litres of biodiesel and
5 million litres of bioethanol.
2 IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Biorefining. Sustainable and synergetic
processing of biomass into marketable food & feed ingredients, products
(chemicals, materials) and energy (fuels, power, heat). Wageningen, the Netherlands, August 2014.
Bioenergy Task 42 Biorefining. Country report Netherlands. November 2014.