CYCLALG and MACRO CASCADE – Two new European projects on algal biorefineries

Efforts continue on both sides of the Atlantic to develop technologies that speed up the deployment of integrated algal biorefineries. Some days ago, the blog posted about the recent announcement of funding support for three projects aimed at increasing the yields and lower the costs of algal biofuels from the USA Energy Department (more information here). And today, it is presenting two new European projects that will deepen in this same line. Below, summary factsheets with the key information about these two projects are shown.


70% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the “Programa Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra” (POCTEFA 2014-2020).
General objective
To develop and validate technological processes focused on producing biodiesel from microalgae.
3 years
Total budget
1.4 M€
Other key points
  • Biorefinery model based on the integral utilization of the microalgal biomass (obtention of new products for the chemical, energy and agricultural sectors).
  • The heterotrophic growth of oleaginous microalgae strains is established as an alternative to improve the productivity of the process.
  • Scheme based on the circular economy concept:
  • Development of technologies that allow to valorize the waste streams and the co-products: synthesis of biopolymers and other biomolecules, obtention of biofertilizers and animal feed and production of biomethane.
  • It follows up the results obtained in the project ENERGREEN EFA217/11 that involved most of the partnership members.


Macro Cascade: Cascading Marine Macroalgal Biorefinery
Gereral objective
To investigate value added streams from mass cultivated seaweed.
Total amount of funding
4.15 M€
Other key points
  • Value added streams will lead to final products such as nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals.
  • The waste products will be directed to the production of fertilizers and biofuels.
  • The project will establish and evaluate macroalgal biorefining systems on a lab, pilot, and conceptual scale for making feasibility studies and achieving 100% utilization of biomass.

Figure 1. Overview of the integrated cascading marine macroalgal biorefinery (extracted from a press release of Matís about MACRO CASCADE)

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