Coordinated call EU-Brazil for research proposals on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels

This coordinated call is a good opportunity for companies and research institutions in Europe to look for and explode synergies with Brazil in terms of scientific expertise and resources in topics related to advanced biofuels. The Brazilian sugarcane ethanol model can be a good basis to start a collaboration that should benefit from the Brazilian and European experience in biofuels. Although the deadline is fast approaching (September 8th) and the partnership should be already advanced in negotiation, the blog is going to introduce a summary of the key points to take into account for those taking cognisance of this call through this post.

Organisms involved
Cooperative principles
To ensure a project implementation that reflects a genuine EU-Brazil cooperation, priority in evaluation will be given to proposals involving properly coordinated activities between Europe and Brazil in the research plan of the two projects. Parties will interact and, if interested, they will prepare two proposals, one to be submitted to the EC and another to be submitted to MCTI/CONFAP/FAPESP. The proposals do not have to be identical, but they must demonstrate clearly their connection and the generation of mutual benefits. The conditions specified in the call for proposals announced for each side must be met by the proposals in that side. It is envisaged that applications will be for a balanced partnership, not specifically in monetary terms but with equivalent research commitment and efforts from both sides. Proposals will be only selected on the condition that the corresponding coordinated project is also selected for funding.

  • Gasification of bagasse to syngas and advanced liquid fuel production, including biofuels for aviation.
  • Applied research to biomass production logistics and for feedstock diversification for advanced biofuels.
  • Development of new fermentation and separation technologies for advanced liquid biofuels and applied research to increase the energy efficiency of advanced biofuel processes.
The indicative maximum budget is 6-10 M€ (3-5 M€ for the EC call and a balanced effort from the Brazilian side). A coordinated project is composed of two projects, one funded by MCTI/CONFAP/FAPESP and one funded by the EU, which are coordinated among themselves.

Indicative Timeline
  • Call announced by the European Commission: October 14, 2015.
  • Call announced by MCTI/CONFAP/FAPESP: November 16, 2015.
  • Opening of the call: May 11, 2016.
  • Closing date for submission of proposals: September 8, 2016.
  • Grant agreement signature: April/May 2017.
  • Start of the projects: May/June 2017.

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