ERA-IB-2 7th joint call - Foster the competitiveness of industrial biotechnology research in Europe

The blog has just become aware of a call for projects that can be very interesting for companies and research institutions from the biorefining sector: ERA-IB-2 7th joint call. Below, I present some notes summarizing the key points about this call (all the information is available in
  • Organizers: ERA-NET Industrial Biotechnology in collaboration with the ERA-NET ERASynBio (synthetic biology) and ERA-MBT (marine biotechnology research).
  • Total budget available: Approximately € 12M. Funding is granted according to national or regional regulations.
  • Deadline for submitting proposals: 1st of February 2016.
  • Participants: Minimum of three and maximum of eight participants from a minimum of three different ERA-NETs partner countries. The participation of an industrial partner in the consortium is recommended but not mandatory. Large companies, small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and academic research groups/organizations may be part of a consortium.
  • Strategic objective: Foster the competitiveness of Europe´s industrial biotechnology research by supporting academic and industrial research and their strategic partnerships.
  • Topics:
  1. Conversion of industrial by-products and biomass into value-added products.
  2. Novel systems for new or more sustainable processes using bio-catalysts from natural or synthetic origins.
  3. Compounds by understanding and engineering metabolic pathways including synthetic biology approaches.
  4. Process development, intensification and/or integration in existing industrial processes.

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