Smart Resilin and Acies Bio to develop and deliver resilin at scale for sustainable applications

Type of post: NEWS IN BRIEF.

Smart Resilin (company producing resilin protein through genetic engineering) is joining forces with Acies Bio (leading European biotechnology company) to found a joint company. The joint venture will see Smart Resilin's state-of-the-art technology paired with Acies Bio's advanced abilities in genetic, microbiological, and scale-up development to bring to market resilin as an environmentally beneficial game changer across industries.

Recombinant structural proteins, such as resilin, are promising alternatives to conventional synthetic plastics due to their thermal and mechanical properties and potential for biodegradability. Most recombinant proteins produced for industries today are silk-based, which has a significantly lower return of energy than resilin, making it considerably less resilient: resilin has ~92% resilience, whereas silk has ~35%. Furthermore, resilin has an effective production process that is inexpensive and easier to produce.

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